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  • Writer's pictureRobert Davis Wellness

3 techniques to avoid sadness in daily living while you are under Trigger Point Therapy.

A trigger point can affect your mood, particularly if you've been suffering from muscle pain for a long time. Trigger points in muscle fibers are more common in those who suffer from depression, stress, or sadness. The emotional rollercoaster makes it difficult for muscles to relax. As a result, you must avoid being depressed as part of your neuromuscular massage treatment. We believe that thoughts influence muscles via nerve signals. As a result, postural patterns are altered, and trigger points may be stimulated. Do you remember how a person with depression walks? Typically, he walks with head down and forward, shoulders up, compressed chest, and a forward trunk.

What does Trigger Point (TrP)Therapy do?

TrP therapy is also known as TrP massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, and Neuromuscular massage. The treatment reduces the referral pain feeling by releasing the hyper-irritability fiber in the muscle. Trigger points restrain the elongation of muscles and the mobility of the joints.

Depression activates Trigger points.

When people are subjected to a constant, unpleasant pain sensation, they are more likely to affect their mood. They are more likely to experience stress but also limitations on their everyday activities and workouts. This mood fluctuation intensifies trigger point activities, which are exacerbated by a lack of sleep, a dysfunctional posture pattern, and a lack of appropriate therapy, among other things.

Although the link between pain and mental health is not entirely understood, chronic pain is a key factor to depression in these cases. Women are also more likely than males to be depressed as a result of the intensity of the muscle pain.

Sign of depression

Some signs of depression in patients are easily recognized by the therapist. Let me highlight a few of those that I frequently use in my work.

  • Insomnia

  • Anorexia

  • Weight loss

  • Decreased libido

  • Blurred vision

  • Sad mood

  • Thought of suicide or death

  • Strong feeling of guilt

Guilty feelings are a powerful trigger for sadness and depression. Many individuals assume that their physical bodies are unaffected by guilt feelings. These guilt feelings were termed "poison" by Norman Vincent Peale.

In his book A Guide to Confident Living, he wrote,

This is not an actual physical poison, but poison is the best word I can think of to describe the unhealthy and deteriorating secretions that flow from a sense of guilt. It has been well-established that nervousness or anger or hate can stimulate secretions in the body and disturb the proper function of the physical system. You simply cannot allow the poison of the guilt to remain in your mind and at the same time be happy and efficient.”

Neuromuscular therapy works perfectly for deactivating the trigger points. Although, the patient takes all the credit for his effort of staying away from depression. Allow me to share some tips to prevent a psychological crisis that I've learned from others.

  • Contemplation is the technique that Norman Vincent suggests. Go to church when it is empty. Have a seat on the bench. Listen to the sound of silence. And connect with Healing Energy (God).

  • The second technique is meditation. Meditation is a practice that helps the brain better manage stress and anxiety. Dr. Saltz recommends practicing meditation, increasing natural light in your daily activities, adding 30 minutes of aerobic exercise several times a week, and finding the clues that trigger depression.

  • Additionally, Dr. Scoot Bea says, “It is important to maintain social contact and connectedness. Don’t stop caring for yourself too.

Neuromuscular massage inactivates TrPs.

During the initial consultation appointment in my therapy practice, I check for active trigger points. Particularly those that exacerbate the dysfunctional postural pattern. Pain or muscular dysfunction might develop shortly after a patient has experienced stressful emotional events such as, divorce, accident, death, migration, and sin. I've had enough experience to recognize the clue of a psychological problem. However, the best action is to send this person to the psychologist, although people may go to their priest or pastor, their counselor, or any other person who facilitates finding inner peace. I always suggest expressing your concerns with your doctor and massage therapist. They are healthcare professionals who must "offer" services, education, or point the patient in the direction of a high-quality medical practitioner.

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